Saturday, August 14, 2010

Appearing Luxurious Atmosphere

Luxurious usually correlated with real estate home in classic style, leather furniture, and full detail engraving accessories. Now, luxurious has new dimension that is ultra modern apartment design with glamour impression and fantastic view to sea. This nuance form in this apartment unit.

apartment modern interior design ideas
This unit consist of three bedrooms, has open layout without partition wall between foyer, family room, and dining room so feel spacious. Main area surrounded by wide windows from floor until plafond so maximize view to sea.
luxurious apartment interior design inspiration
To appearing luxurious atmosphere, this apartment arranged in classic and modern style. This design approach applied in furniture and accessories form, refers to geometris squares, but sweetened with curve detail like in chair leg, sofa arms and headboard border. To create comfortable situation, cool, and luxury, colors nuance inside chosen from soft colors combination like blue navy, pale gray, broken white with little touch of wooden chocolate colors, black or silver that give glamorous and elegant impression.
home apartment elegant design living room modern
Beside of that, motif and texture from every imported material exposed, so make room beautiful without need to adding ornament. The imported material such as wenge wood from Africa which covered bedroom floor and palissandro classico marble from Italy which that covered almost of all apartment floors has exotic tendon motif. Tearose marble from Spain and red marquine marble from Italy covered floor and wall of bathroom. Apartment interior decorate with soft furnishing like vitrage, gordyn, and blind for the windows, wallpaper for wall, carpet for floor, upholstery for furniture and also bedcover in bedroom.
apartment modern interior luxurious design ideas
Beside have soft texture, soft furnishing elements combined harmony. For example, family room ordered with one sofa in velvet layered, single chair in silk layered, and frieze carpet. Interesting accent seems at cloth pillow, decorated with feather and beads. The unique things are a combination of leather dining chairs with dining room table and mirror at the wall which has cockle shells formation. All of wall in main area covered with cream wallpaper and combined with dropped down ceiling and a couple of candle place from crystal.
apartment house interior design ideas

luxurious flat apartment design ideas

At main bedroom, blue bedroom with gold colors motif and has baroque nuance succeed to become eye catcher which combined with cut and loop carpet in contemporary style also upholstery in pale blue colors at Cleopatra chair, headboard, and bench. At children bedroom, pony skin material use as upholstery single sofa and carpet succeed make nuance become live. Finally, layout lighting and arts object collection have important role to give spirit of interior. Lamp in this apartment programmed to appear four ambience, normal, light, and romantic, and gallery. Beside use dimmer and integrated automation system, lamp armature chosen in unusual form, such as Floss lamp decoration.

Monday, August 2, 2010


After 4 days of 6+ hours of driving per day, I'm in decompression mode.  First home to Virginia from my dad's in Illinois...  That took 2 days (we split up the drive for the kids' sake) and we delayed leaving because we were having such a good time SO that led us into 2 more days of straight driving up and back from NY to celebrate with some friends. 

{Justin "up-up-up-downing" at our McDonald's makeshift picnic on our roadtrip home}

Before we left though, we did get some fishing in at the lake...

I'm a terrible fisherman  ("fisherwoman" just sounded odd there) but I love it now that Christian has so much fun doing it:

He kept reeling it in and seeing the minnow (for bait) on the hook and thinking he'd caught "a little fish!"  (We didn't have the heart to tell him.)

Dave's learning too...

I love those cloudy days at the lake where you just relax.  There's gray beauty everywhere...

{"One-two-three-four-five-six-seven... SEVEN snails" says Christian}

He was so excited to catch his very first bass with his Nanoo (my dad)...  (It was definitely the smallest bass we'd ever seen ;) 

My dad's an awesome fisherman and even mounted "my" very first bass that I caught at four years old.  Here he is now in the playhouse:

I wasn't ready to leave for home but I guess it's always better to leave while you're still having fun.  We're finally home from an amazing time in NY at Eddie & Jaithan's where we got to see & meet some amazing blogging friends in person.  ...Debra of5th and State, Patricia of PVE Design, Michele of My Notting Hill, and the Vamp (Valorie of Visual Vamp) to name a few...  it was like meeting old friends and they're just as amazing as you'd expect in 'real' life. As my usual I'm-having-too-much-fun-to-take-pictures-self, I didn't take any but in true Eddie & Jaithan fashion, you can bet it was beautiful.   And when I got home, there was a beautiful package waiting for me from Patricia who had no idea we were even going to meet when she's sent it the week before:

She'd found an amazing book that she thought I'd love for $1 and sent it to me!  (Now this is the kind of person I want to be.  She's so incredibly thoughtful and generous!!  And seriously chic- oh my goodness!)  Anyway, It's called Found Style by Amy and David Butler and the photos are incredible:

I plan on taking some time this week to read it and another book (Living With What You Love) this week ad am attempting to decompress from our whirlwind of driving. 

I've got a great week set up with clients to get back into the swing of things (if any of you are reading I missed you!! ;)  ... tonight we had an awesome dinner-  a Greek Salad with ground tukey (I swear it's good) and life is beautiful.

I hope you're having a great summer too& are enjoying any minute you can. 

xoxo, Lauren

ps-  This is so odd, but for the past 5-7 days or so, I haven't been able to type...  I don't know what's up but it's worse than usual!!  (I keep mixing up all the letters and leaving letters out.... ??hahaha  ....  ok only funny if it stops.)

1 year

today is my 1 year blogiversary! 

starting this blog was one of the best things i could have ever done.  i have met so many amazing people through blogging.  i never thought that i would enjoy it near as much as i do, and i definitely never thought that blogging would open so many doors for me. 

i am so thankful for all of my readers.  i really enjoy hearing from each of you, whether by comment or by email.  hearing that you’ve enjoyed a post makes my day, so THANK YOU so much!!  i’m looking forward to another great year of blogging and i hope that all of you will stick around for it.



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Sunday, August 1, 2010

American Immigration in Historical Perspective

Randall Stephens

On Sunday, August 1, Peter O'Dowd reported on NPR that "Arizona's controversial immigration law went into effect this week, or at least parts of it." In a summary that looked at the reaction of church groups and religious leaders, O'Dowd noted "Despite significant support for the bill in the state, critics have been loud and organized." This comes on the heals of a Federal Judge's blocking of the more controversial aspects of the law last Wednesday. Judge Susan Bolton issued a preliminary injunction on sections of the law that called for law enforcement officers to check a person's immigration status or require suspects to prove they were in the country legally.

Like abortion, gay marriage, or taxes, little divides Americans like the issue of immigration. And this historic conflict keeps repeating itself.

Unlike a variety of European nations, the US has had relatively open policies on citizenship. (Naturalization rates, as well, have remained high in Canada, the US, and Sweden.) Through much of the 19th century the new nation needed laborers and settlers. Still, the question of just who was or was not an American tended to exercise the masses and energize politicians. Sometimes the matter stirred up intense feelings.

Numerous Easterners in the 1850s and 1860s worried about the "wild Irish hordes" that descended on coastal cities. Millions would have agreed with English essayist and historian Thomas Carlyle, who wrote, "Ireland is like a half-starved rat that crosses the path of an elephant. What must the elephant do? Squelch it--by heavens--squelch it." Nativism and the Know-Nothing Party made great political hay of the "Papist Menace." Samuel F. B. Morse--who helped invent the telegraph and a code for transmitting words over vast distances and also crafted his own brand of virulent xenophobia--was particularly adamant on the subject. In 1835 he wrote: "O there is no danger to the Democracy; for those most devoted to the Pope, the Roman Catholics, especially the Irish Catholics, are all on the side of Democracy. Yes; to be sure they are on the side of Democracy. They are just where I should look for them. Judas Iscariot joined with the true disciples. . . . They feel themselves so strong, as to organize themselves even as foreigners into foreign bands, and this for the purpose of influencing our elections. . . . That they are men who having professed to become Americans, by accepting our terms of naturalization, do yet, in direct contradiction to their professions, clan together as a separate interest, and retain their foreign appellation."

In the 1880s anti-Chinese legislation gained wide support in the American West and fueled the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The law read, in part: "That the master of any vessel who shall knowingly bring within the United States on such vessel, and land or permit to be landed, any Chinese laborer, from any foreign port or place, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars for each and every such Chinese laborer so brought, and maybe also imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year."

Most famously, though, the Immigration Act of 1924 raised the bar so that undesirable immigrants would have a difficult time entering the country. One stipulation ensured that old-stock white immigrants would receive special preference. "The annual quota of any nationality shall be 2 per centum of the number of foreign-born individuals of such nationality resident in continental United States as determined by the Untied States census of 1890, but the minimum quota of any nationality shall be 100."

Many of the exclusionary policies were changed for good when President Johnson signed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, supported heavily by the late Senator Ted Kennedy. That landmark legislation did not end the debate or the ongoing contest over immigration.

The Arizona Law may or may by like or unlike earlier immigration laws. But it certainly lends itself to significant historical questions of legal matters, national identity, ethnicity, class, and more. Plenty for the general public and for students of history to consider.

For more on the history of immigration and the changing shape of the law, see the following helpful sites:

On the Arizona Law

Immigration: General History, Legal History, Etc

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