Friday, March 20, 2009

Surveys of the Fields

As a graduate student, I sure could have used some good field surveys to match my prelim exams. As a scholar, I could still use them. So I thought to start some blog conversations about literature and states of respective fields.

But before I do that, I want to solicit responses to my slate of fields below. Did I miss anything? Are some of my choices inconsistent with others? I offer national histories only for the largest countries or regions, or for those of particular historical importance (like Spain). For pre-modern periods, some of my choices reflect source availability or the lack thereof. Many fields obviously overlap others.

In neglecting certain narrower yet very rich fields, I am focusing now and first on starting field conversations broad enough for plausible prospects of a critical mass of discussants on an English-language blog (if we were to work very hard to get historians involved in starting a conversation in a given field).

What do you think of this list? (Soon I'll choose a field or fields and ask you about those per se, but for now, just the taxonomy suggested below.)

My draft fields list:
*additions, changes, & updates since the initial post.

Comparative & World Systems
World History: Prehistory to 1492. Since 1492. Since 1945.
Economic, Financial, & Labor History: Prehistory to 1492. 1492-1815. Since 1815. Since 1929.
Science and Technology: Prehistory to 1500. Since 1500. Since 1945.
International History: 1494-1815. Since 1815. Since 1945.
European Imperialism. Fifteenth Century to 1763. Since 1763.
Judaism: Pre-modern. Modern.
Christianity: Ancient and Medieval. Since 1517.
Islam (all periods).
Military: Ancient and Medieval. 1494-1789. Since 1789. Since 1945.
Environmental. To 1500. 1500-1800. Since 1800.
Social (including Women’s and Men’s). To 1500. 1500-1800. Since 1800.
Legal. To 1500. 1500-1789. Since 1789.
Business. To 1500. 1500-1800. Since 1800.

United States: Colonial to 1765. 1765-1815. 1815-1877. 1877-1945. 1945-present.
U.S. Intellectual (all periods).
*U.S. South (all periods).

Canada (all periods).

Latin America & Caribbean: Precolumbian and Colonial. Since 1798.
Mexico: Precolumbian to 1810. Since 1810.
Spanish Latin America (besides Mexico): Since 1810.
Brazil: Precolumbian to 1810: Since 1821.
Caribbean (all periods).

Europe: Medieval to 1500. 1500-1789. Since 1789. Since 1945.
European Intellectual History: Medieval & Renaissance. Renaissance to 1789. Since 1789.
Greece: Ancient. Byzantine. Since 1821 (or 1453).
Rome / Italy: Ancient. 1494-1796. Since 1796.
Spain: Medieval. Early Modern. Since 1808.
France: Early Modern. Since 1789.
England / Britain: Early Modern. Since 1688.
Germany: Early modern to 1740. Since 1740.
Russia: Medieval. 1598-1881. Since 1881.

Near & Middle East
Ottoman Empire / Turkey. Beginnings-1453. 1453-1922. Since 1922.
Egypt: Ancient. Modern.
Arabia (one field).
Persia: Ancient and Medieval. Early Modern. Modern.

Central Asia (all periods).

India: Ancient and Medieval. 1526-1858. Since 1858.

East Asia
Buddhism (all periods).
*China: Prehistoric-220. 220-1368. 1368-1911. Since 1911.
*Japan: Ancient and Medieval. 1550-1853. Since 1853.
Southeast Asia (all periods).
East Indies (all periods).

Oceania (all periods).

Australia and New Zealand (all periods).

Northern Africa: Ancient-1830. Since 1830.
Western Africa: Prehistoric to 1500. 1500-1880. Western and Central Africa since 1880.
Southern Africa (all periods).
Eastern Africa (all periods).


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