Friday, May 15, 2009


Here is a student editorial in support of Medicaid.

I am writing today in regards to our Medicaid program.  People who are qualified to receive Medicaid include, but are not limited to:  Mothers with children 18 or younger, children under the age of 18, foster children, and some non-U.S. citizens.  The program was added to the Social Security Act in 1965, but is run through state governments.  There are many requirements in order to become eligible for Medicaid.  

The main requirement for eligibility is the family’s income.  This varies based on the children’s age.  For example, for children under the age of one, the family’s income must not exceed 200% of the federal poverty level.  For children 18 and younger, the family’s income must not exceed 133% of the federal poverty level.  For foster children, the child is automatically covered under the state until the child reaches the age of 18.  

Medicaid not only provides health care for at-risk families, but also helps to provide food and assists mothers with collection of child support.  This is a wonderful program that is designed to help our women and children in poverty.  The program will not allow people to live their lives in luxury, but rather help to provide some basic necessities of life.  

I am a full supporter of women and children who need to use this resource.  I believe that not enough people take advantage of this program.  Our society places a negative feeling regarding Medicaid.  Our nation was designed to help out those who are less fortunate, but people do not respond well to others who are utilizing this resource.  I think that our schools and media should educate people on what Medicaid is and what the qualifications are to receive benefits.  I believe that if our society was more informed on this criteria, they would not cast judgment on the people who need to use the program.

Medicaid is an important part of the current national health care policy. It covers medical care for disabled persons such as the blind as well as non-disabled poor persons. Both of my sons were born under Medicaid coverage. Over 50 million Americans and  residents of the USA are insured though Medicaid. Medicaid costs are scary.  If you check out the Federal Budget (see table S-3 in this big pdf from the White House) you can marvel at the rising costs: $201 billion in 2008, $262 billion in 2009, and $290 billion in 2010. 


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