Wednesday, March 10, 2010

how to: DIY no sew entry table

if you’re interested in learning how to make a no sew skirt like i did with my entry table, here are the directions.  all-in-all it takes about 8 hours or a few weeknights and a little bit of your weekend. 

items you’ll need:

table that you don’t mind messing up with staples, fabric drop cloth, 1” wide fabric tape or ribbon, heavy duty stich-witchery, fabric glue, right angle ruler, pencil, staple gun & staples


{you may want to iron your drop cloth before starting to make sure that your fabric lays flat.}

1. measure your table (width & length of each side and top).  if you are using a three-sided table then you should have the measurements of both ends of the table, the front and the top.

2. using a right angle ruler(so that your corners are square) draw out lines on your fabric.  make sure you draw out 4 side panels instead of only two because you’ll be using two of them to fold around the corners.  using sharp fabric scissors cut out the pieces that you have drawn leaving about a 1” border around the lines of the front and sides and a 2” border around the lines of the top.  you’ll be folding this border down later.


2.  once you’ve cut out your fabric then iron down the edges at the pencil lines so that you have nice folds and a guide for the stich-witchery.  (only do this to the edges of the side panels and not the top panel)


3.  insert the stich-witchery into the folds of your side panels and iron them in.  (do not insert stich-witchery into the top of the panels.  just leave them empty because you will be stapling them later.)  i personally prefer to iron the front side and the back side.  i feel like it makes the stich-witchery hold better.


5.  once you have your side and front panels hemmed with stich-witchery then take your fabric tape and create your design. on the front side of each of them.  you can do a design like mine or you could also just do an outline instead of adding the triangles.


6.  when you have your perfect pattern laid out carefully life the fabric tape one section at a time and insert pieces of stich-witchery.  iron over the top of the tape and on the back side of the fabric to fasten the tape.  you’ll have to hold the iron on the tape a little longer than usual because it’s so thick. {sorry guys.  don’t have a picture of this step}

6.  attach the top panel to the back side of the top of your table only using your staple gun.  DO NOT ATTACH TO ALL SIDES YET.  {don’t have a picture of this step either}

7.  once you’ve attached your top.  attach both side panels to the corners of the front and side using your staple gun.  this step helps hide your table legs and also give the table a tailored, pleated look.


7.  next attach your other side and front panels in the same fashion.



once you have all of your sides attached then it’s time to attach your top piece.

8.  pull the top piece down over the table top and trim the edges so that there is just enough of the edge to staple it down to your front and sides.


9.  pull the front tight and staple it to the table.  repeat for each side continuing to pull tight.



can you believe it…you’re almost finished.

8.  for the final step.  measure out the amount of fabric tape you will need to wrap around the edges of your top so that all the ugly staples are covered.  then attach the tape with fabric glue.

when you finish that step you’ll have something that looks an awful lot like this…minus the dog and the accessories.

GOOD LUCK finishing your own DIY no sew table.  send me pictures of them when you get them completed.

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