Monday, January 18, 2010

Pure Organization Project #3: If It's Broken, Fix It!!

Hope you're still enjoying the long weekend!!  And now for Project #3...  This one has the potential to feel boring but it is one of those things that just feels so good to get over with.  Nothing very "wow" about it, but when you've done it, you can pat yourself on the back...  or better yet, pour yourself a nice glass of wine. 

It's sad to say but this sconce has been broken since we first hung it up in our bedroom.  It was one of those things, "we'll get to later."  --or so we thought---  A few months later the broken sconce still hung in our room.  It was irksome but really it should have bothered me more than it did.  I actually have quite a collection of broken things around the house.  Why didn't I fix my broken stuff right away you ask?  The answer is simple:  I didn't have any Krazy Glue.  It really took me this long to acquire Krazy Glue.   No joke.  We'd always say "Oh we need glue," but it really wasn't high on the list of priorites with all of our renovating & baby-having, so we went without our glue.  Well let me tell you how much better Krazy Glue got while we were out forgetting it!!  It's got a brush on it now!!  AMAZING INVENTION!!  I didn't glue my fingers together once in the fixing process and only have the teensiest amount of glue to peel off & that's because I'm sloppy & impatient. 


So here's my little collection of broken things (below):  A poor piggy bank lost his ear when we first moved in (my fault I think?), My grandmother's vintage sconce got broken (seriously-  this is real-  6 YEARS AGO when it was hanging in my first apartment's tiny entryway and our very large handsome Danish friend, Esben, walked into it.  The laugh alone was worth it breaking!) and finally, my beloved $5 flea market Wedgewood bowl ( my fault again...  This one has been sitting on top of the fridge in our fruit bowl in pieces for a couple of months). 

SO if you aren't a procrastinator of little jobs (like me) then this week's project might not apply to you at all.  BUT, if you're even a little like me, here's Project #3:  If it's broken, fix it. 

(This can apply to anything:   broken accessories- toys- jewelry, clothes in the mending pile, loose hardware on drawers or cabinets, ANYTHING you've been "meaning to get around to" but just haven't.  ) 

Below, I feel so much better having fixed the sconce!! yay!!!  (It took 1 minute to glue-  why did I wait so long?!!)

Below, my kitchen piggy bank is much better!!!

And finally, here's my sad broken bowl out of commission for months...

...  Glued back together...

... And {almost} as good as new!  (I'm not a perfectionist.)

So, if it's broken, fix it.  And good luck.  It's honestly not as bad as you think!


ps-  I was REALLY dragging my feet this week so good thing I promised results or I would have given up ;) 

To check out readers' awesome takes on Project #2, go to the previous post here


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