Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pure Organization Project #4: Update an "Ugly" (Bathroom Sink)

Well, you all said you were interested in even seeing the not-so-pretty projects, so this one definitely fits the bill!  Our kids' bathroom is AWFUL.  Really bad.  (And it's also the bathroom nearest the main living area so everyone uses it.)  Our house was built in the 70s and so was graced with beautiful green bathroom fuxtures!!  yum yum pretty...

When we replaced the old linoleum floors with hardwoord, we (Dave) installed a new white toilet. Since then, I've been dying for a new sink.  The green shower can be hidden by a shower cutrain but that sink is just out there.  We bought a new sink and then returned it, realizing that this bathroom isn't a space we want to put any money into right now.   So as a temporary fix, I decided to try out a porcelain refinishing paint kit from here for around $50.   It was a simple 2-step process of spraying on primer (2 coats) and then multiple coats of the spray-on Epoxy/ Porcelain Hard Finish. So here it is before:

And here it is now (san- new caulk-  that's happening soon):

It's SO MUCH better now.  My mom gave me these cute little blue gungham animal towel sets for the boys (from PB Kids)  and so I'm using these as the starting point for the design. 

I'm planning on sewing a sink skirt that removes with velco (thanks Eddie!) to hide a couple baskets of toiletries/ diapers/ etc.  I've also got a blue & white sheet to tun into the shower curtain & some art work for the walls.  Dave's adding in some woodwork for towel hooks.  We may or may not paint from there.  So, how did the spray on stuff work?  It looks much MUCH better but there is still a bit of a greenish hue about the sink when comparing it to the white toilet which is next to it.  If you look right at it alone it looks like a pure white as seen in this pic:

Since we haven't used it yet (we're letting it cure) I can't tell you about its performance.  I'll let you know how it's working in a month or so.  But for now, I'm very happy with it as an intermediate fix until we're able to do more in here.   When we're finished with this little bathroom redo, I'll of coures take pics & show you!

And now for Project #4:  Update an "Ugly"

Maybe you're lucky enough that you've already updated your uglies (Oh how I wish I were!!) and if so, you get the week off!! :)  But if you're like me and live in an old house or even a house that was done by someone else, or like to collect flea market pieces in need of a little TLC, you probably have some things that need a little updating or freshening up.  Door or cabinet hardware?  Any furniture you've been planning on repainting or refinishing?  Light fixtures?  Faucets?  Outlet covers?  Mailbox?  Door knocker?  Anyway, doing this little thing makes our whole bathroom feel 100 times less fugly.  Is there anything you can do to update a little something in your house?

UPDATE**  I LOVE getting all your photos & seeing them, but I'm getting so many that I've decided to use Mr.Linky's widgets so that you can link up to your photos straight from the post.  As soon as I figure out how to set it up, I will add it on to the end of this post so check back!! :)

Goodl luck!!    THANK YOU!!!

ps - Don't forget to vote again for Eddie's window!  (The top right pic on my sidebar is a link to the voting and you can also text "1" to 89800)

And tonight is that last night for the LISA LEONARD DESIGNS GIVEAWAY (previous post) so be sure to enter!! :)


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